The latest bit of Puck Daddy Photoshop whimsy involved the Boston Bruins Bear, protector of hockey fan decorum. We asked you to place him into different scenarios involving the Bruins' 2011 Stanley Cup championship run. This entry from reader Adam Hill is a good reminder that when it comes to these 'Shop expos, you better bring it:

Mmmmmm … tastes like mockery.
One lucky entrant from the Boston area gets two tickets to the red carpet premiere of the team's Stanley Cup DVD from Warner Home Video; we're also giving away five Bruins Stanley Cup DVDs as well.
Coming up, our first gallery of Bruins Bear Photoshop glory. Email entries to through noon ET on Friday.
Keep in mind we had a 'no riot' policy on these.
And here … we … go.

We received a good number of images featuring the Bruins Bear at Shrine nightclub at Foxwoods Casino, as you'll see in a moment. CD DiGuardia sent in this one, as the Bear rocks the party shades with Brad Marchand.
Please note they're both bearing, er, baring their chests.

There's something about the scale and the pose in this photo that's hilarious, as Zdeno Chara towers over the Bruins Bear, who looks like he just handed off the Chalice to the captain. Nice work from reader Diggans.

Of course, after the Cup is handed off to Chara, it's time for him to raise Stanley … while the Bear raises Gary. From reader Josh Wilcox.

The Bear politely reminds Chara that while this whole celebrating the Cup thing is great, there's $100,000 champagne to be had. From reader Ed Rivera.

Meanwhile, back in the Boston dressing room, it's champagne popping time as the Bruins Bear hoists the Cup aloft. From reader 'J29'.

Reader Joe Hanstad really, really went the extra mile to create this scene:
"Have you ever had what you thought was a good idea, until about halfway through putting your idea in action you realized it was a massive pain in the ass? But then you had too much pride/effort involved to just give up on it? Then you also realized its impossible to create a truly vivid looking 8-bit anthropomorphic skating bear, regardless if you spent 2 hours working on it?
"But I'm not bitter about it.
"As a whole, I think it turned out decent. I can't tell you how annoying it was trying to re-create NHL 94's on-screen font. Its not like Photoshop has a font titled "EA Mid 90's Sports Game". Though they should. Come to think of it, I may actually pay for something like that."
So say we all, sir. And mega extra credit for bringing our friend Gloating Bruins Fan into the mix.

Full disclosure: We had more than a dozen readers make the same joke in their entries, which was that the Bruins Bear was actually the one who had the Amstel Light at the casino bar.
As you'll see in the complete gallery next week, they're all kinda similar and really funny; so we'll run the first one we received from James Frawley as a summary of the others.

A subtle masterpiece from Puck Daddy Photoshop veteran Walter Sobchak, who declared himself ineligible for the prizes and is "just entering for laughs."

More boobs from reader Mike Haire. Really, really awkward boobs. We haven't been this stunned by a revelation of gender since we beat "Metroid."

The best-looking Photoshop in the gallery? No. But sometimes it's the thought that counts, and reader Jeff Frechette nailed it with this Roberto Luongo/tire-pumping fun.

The Bruins Bear believes this entry from reader Trent Keays is No. 1.
Andrew BEAR-ence. Get it?

Longtime reader Mark Miotto with the Cam Neely "Kick His Ass Seabass!" of entries.

Adam Hill again with a wonderfully clever and subtle way to turn the Bruins Bear into a Green Man. Incredible work.
And finally …

This image of Tim Thomas and his, ahem, grisly playoff bear being shaved off is by reader Peter Winsky, and as far as concept goes it's one of the best we've seen.
But what say you? Which entries are the clubhouse favorites for tickets and DVDs?